Sunday, April 30, 2017

Final Reflective Post

At the beginning of this semester I truly didn't know what I was getting myself into. EME has benefited me in so many ways. Before this class I did not know what a hyperlink was let alone how to  use one in a blog post. Lets just say I was not very tech sappy.

Our textbook was a great recourse and I truly enjoyed reading it. I found the textbook to be extremely informative and easy to read. I found it interesting to learn in depth on things I have often times thought of. Taking classes that are based on your major make reading your textbook so much more fun!
I enjoyed a lot of the lessons in this course! I felt like the professor did a great job at really thinking about all of our assignments and discussions. Every assignment should a purpose and they where not meant to be busy work. The assignment I felt was most beneficial was the web quest. I can see myself using this tool in my future classroom. All in all every assignment was helpful and has impacted me. 

I never thought I would have a blog, but little did I know that was a huge part of this course. Learning what goes into a blog and how to create one was a process. For someone who does not know much about technology it was extremely confusing at first but after the first few I really got the hang of it.

My first blog post has a video on Technology in a classroom. This video really gave me a idea of what a classroom with technology can do for children.
I found a quote that I felt was a appropriate for this class.

All in all this was a great class and great semester and I'm eager to bring everything I learn into my classroom. Thank you Professor Coleman for showing me why technology is important in a class. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blog Post I

The learning assessment section of this Chapter I found to be extremely interesting. A learning assessment occurs before, during, during and after a chapter. This allows the children to gather as much information as possible and enables the teacher to progress how much they have learned. What would a good learning assessment entitle? A good learning assessment would entitle the students to be able to summaries would they where just taught or take a quiz on the material.
This website is a great example of what a learning assessment should be based on and look like.

The next concept I found interesting was based on grading using an electronic system. An online grading system was developed to collect, process, and return the grades produced. Just like our canvas grading system it allows teachers to input the quiz, test, and homework grades. I personally love this program I find it to not only be helpful for teachers but it also allows to students to access their grade when ever. 

The last portion of this chapter I would like to reflect on is the performance rubric. Teachers use rubric in order to grade or evaluate a students work. It is not only helpful for a teacher but also a student as well they are able to look over the rubric to insure they are studying or doing the right thing for an assignment. I believe a rubric really benefits the students work and allows them to know what they should be doing. Here is an example of a rubric a child may see at the elementary level. 
Image result for example rubric

Monday, March 6, 2017

Within Chapter 9 they talk about multi media technology. The definition of multi media according to states that presentation of materials using two forms of technology whether it is sound, pictures, or words. In classrooms now teachers have a variety of way to implement this type of technology from smart boards to laptops, and even projectors. teachers often use these tools to teach children in new and effective ways that engage the students. While I was in school teachers used smart boards to teach and now nearly two years latter they are using laptops. I would love to see how that works and if its a lot like college.

YouTube is a great tool for teacher to teach from sometimes it gives student a different outlook that a teacher may not have. I have noticed a lot of history teachers use it. Getting videos from the history channel and playing them for the class. This video is a great explain on how multi media can help students and teachers succeed.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Digital Blog Post E

Wow have times changed! As a young child I was encouraged to go outside and learn by my parents. They would say "be back after the church bells ring for dinner"; which was around 6pm. Now a day children are told to stay indoors and play which has resulted in a huge boom with technology and video games.  Although this may be different then what I'm use to it does seem like it is helpful to our current generation.

One thing the book talked about was games and what its possibilities for kids now. There are endless possibilities for learning based games and its benefits toward students. "Two of every three households play video games, and 25% of those game players are 18 years old and younger" (Maloy, p 169). This information amazed me! I was surprised to see such a high ratio of children playing video games and now understand why as a teacher I would like interactive learning games for my students. If we know are student enjoy video games why not gear learning toward that and make it easy to understand for them. 

One site I found extremly interesting was It has a number of different subject including math, language, social studies, health, etc. As a teacher I feel this site could be very use full. 

The last concept I was interested in was building, and creating software. One example the book gave was google earth and I felt that was a great example. With google earth you literally have the world at your finger tips! As a kid you could learn so much especially within a geography class. All in all with the growth of technology and the ability it has our student have a world to see and learn about and have plenty of opportunities to do so. 

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Digital Blog Post D

The first concept I learned a lot about in Chapter 1 is Evaluating a web page. This concept not only helped me with the assignment this week but also future assignments. The criteria needed was accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, and coverage. Evaluating is making sure the web site describes a comprehensible description and purpose. Authority has to do with making sure the author is credible. Objectivity is making sure the website is clear and non basis. Currency is when you look at the dates the web page was produced and when it has been revised. Lastly Coverage has to do what the topics are covered on the page and if the are relevant. This not only will be helpful in this class but any class where you are doing research really. It is really important to be sure you are gaining the correct information on a subject.

Secondly, is becoming fluent in technology. Meaning being able to navigate with ease. A human whom is able to navigate with  ease is more applicable  to complete a task correctly. So far in this class I have really learned a lot about how technology can really benefit you in life but also as a teacher. The amount of learning games, interactive websites, and tools is insane. Students should be given time to explore and share; this allows the students to go at there own pace and allows teachers to view progress.

The last concept I found extremely important was cyberbullying. Now a days bullying is more apt to happen threw social media website. This is important for everyone to be aware of teacher, students, and parents. Cyberbullying can be just as harmful if not worse then face-to-face. With cyberbullying it doesn't allow the children to walk away from the issues. It instead follows them home and every where they go.  It also has the ability to allow more people to see it causing more damage to the student being bullied.

In conclusion this chapter high lighted many different key point with technology. It reveled the importance in becoming fluent in technology, it also provided us with learning how to find relevant websites, and lastly on cyberbullying.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Digital Blog Post- Chapter 1

Within Chapter 1, we are introduced to the idea of technology-based learning. Although I saw this idea of teaching coming shortly, I did not think it was already here. Children today have technology at their fingertips. Surprisingly to me nearly "97 % of students use computers to high school, and 80 % of kindergarteners use computers" (Magoly, Verock-O-Loughin, Edwards & Woolf, 2013, pp. 4.) Quite honestly it worried me a little bit after reading this chapter and the statists. This next generation of students have never been with out tablets, cell phones, and mp3 players. They are brought up learning to use technology. 

However, what about the millions of children whom live in poverty and have no way of owning a computer. How are they to learn? Locally we do not see this problem as much, but it is a problem. From my understanding students in high school are learning as I am, and though the internet. Students are spending "Ten hours and forty-five minutes of media time during the day"(Magoly, Verock-O-Loughin, Edwards & Woolf, 2013, pp. 6) but not all kids get this opportunity. If a teacher submits homework that is done through a computer how is a child to do it without the correct tools?

Lastly, I feel like education or any field of work you should always be continuing your education. Keeping up with the most recent studies on continuing education and professional development is a highly important part of being a teacher. I always found the teachers eager to learn something new themselves the easiest to learn from. "Building a digital identity as a technology-using educator is an exciting part of becoming a teacher and is as important as creating and refining an in-front-of the-class-teaching personality," (Maloy, et al 2013, p.15).  

In conclusion, technology will be ever changing. As a teacher I do feel it is important to learn about technology and how to incorporate it into your class room. As a up and coming educator I will go into this new idea of teaching with more of an open mind. 


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.