Sunday, April 30, 2017

Final Reflective Post

At the beginning of this semester I truly didn't know what I was getting myself into. EME has benefited me in so many ways. Before this class I did not know what a hyperlink was let alone how to  use one in a blog post. Lets just say I was not very tech sappy.

Our textbook was a great recourse and I truly enjoyed reading it. I found the textbook to be extremely informative and easy to read. I found it interesting to learn in depth on things I have often times thought of. Taking classes that are based on your major make reading your textbook so much more fun!
I enjoyed a lot of the lessons in this course! I felt like the professor did a great job at really thinking about all of our assignments and discussions. Every assignment should a purpose and they where not meant to be busy work. The assignment I felt was most beneficial was the web quest. I can see myself using this tool in my future classroom. All in all every assignment was helpful and has impacted me. 

I never thought I would have a blog, but little did I know that was a huge part of this course. Learning what goes into a blog and how to create one was a process. For someone who does not know much about technology it was extremely confusing at first but after the first few I really got the hang of it.

My first blog post has a video on Technology in a classroom. This video really gave me a idea of what a classroom with technology can do for children.
I found a quote that I felt was a appropriate for this class.

All in all this was a great class and great semester and I'm eager to bring everything I learn into my classroom. Thank you Professor Coleman for showing me why technology is important in a class.