Friday, January 20, 2017

Digital Blog Post- Chapter 1

Within Chapter 1, we are introduced to the idea of technology-based learning. Although I saw this idea of teaching coming shortly, I did not think it was already here. Children today have technology at their fingertips. Surprisingly to me nearly "97 % of students use computers to high school, and 80 % of kindergarteners use computers" (Magoly, Verock-O-Loughin, Edwards & Woolf, 2013, pp. 4.) Quite honestly it worried me a little bit after reading this chapter and the statists. This next generation of students have never been with out tablets, cell phones, and mp3 players. They are brought up learning to use technology. 

However, what about the millions of children whom live in poverty and have no way of owning a computer. How are they to learn? Locally we do not see this problem as much, but it is a problem. From my understanding students in high school are learning as I am, and though the internet. Students are spending "Ten hours and forty-five minutes of media time during the day"(Magoly, Verock-O-Loughin, Edwards & Woolf, 2013, pp. 6) but not all kids get this opportunity. If a teacher submits homework that is done through a computer how is a child to do it without the correct tools?

Lastly, I feel like education or any field of work you should always be continuing your education. Keeping up with the most recent studies on continuing education and professional development is a highly important part of being a teacher. I always found the teachers eager to learn something new themselves the easiest to learn from. "Building a digital identity as a technology-using educator is an exciting part of becoming a teacher and is as important as creating and refining an in-front-of the-class-teaching personality," (Maloy, et al 2013, p.15).  

In conclusion, technology will be ever changing. As a teacher I do feel it is important to learn about technology and how to incorporate it into your class room. As a up and coming educator I will go into this new idea of teaching with more of an open mind. 


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.